Posts Tagged light
Photo Essay: Blue Ridge Hunt (October 2, 2010)
Posted by KLM in Blue Ridge Hunt, Foxhunts, Light, Photo Essays on October 18, 2010
The photo essay is posted at KLM Images.
Nature vs architecture
The front gates of the Blue Ridge Hunt kennels have two lovely metal fox silhouettes mounted on top. The kennel building is nothing but straight lines, of course: bricks, bars, shingles, and all the other architectural elements, but we get just that bit of nature which gives it personality. Whenever we look at the kennels there are hounds behind the bars (this is their home), but the foxes run free along the top of the gates.
In a more natural context, these two does disturbed by the hunting activity retreat past the barn. The barn is aligned with and echoes the nearby Blue Ridge mountain that ascends behind it, but is dwarfed by it as well.
Though the lighting is attractive on the gable end of the barn, our eyes are drawn to the moving deer. Read the rest of this entry »
Photo Essay: Old Dominion Hounds (September 4, 2010)
Posted by KLM in Foxhunts, Landscape, Light, Old Dominion Hounds, Photo Essays, Photography on September 7, 2010
The photo essay is posted at KLM Images.
Lovely hounds
This was the first day of cubbing for the Old Dominion Hounds.
As sometimes happens, all the hunting activity took place off-stage, from the perspective of the car-followers. We got to watch them leave and return, and in-between there was much appreciation of the lovely scenery and occasional faint echoes of hounds and horn.