Posts Tagged curve
Photo Essay: Snickersville Hounds (October 31, 2010)
Posted by KLM in Foxhunts, Light, Photo Essays, Snickersville Hounds on November 16, 2010
This photo essay is posted at KLM Images.
Carving up the space
The curved edge of the pond in the first photo eats a nice semicircle out of the left of the scene. That alone would make for a pleasing composition, but see also how the grasses curve with the pond, and so do the bodies and especially the tails of the hounds. Everything reinforces that fundamental curve.

Gothic linear divisions
In the next photo, we have linear architectural elements made up unexpectedly of living creatures.
The accidental formal postures of the hound and the rider, aided by an almost straight horizon, create an inner rectangle and draw the eye into the open space in the back left. Nothing is moving; all is potential. Read the rest of this entry »
Photo Essay: Thornton Hill Hounds (September 19, 2010)
Posted by KLM in Foxhunts, Photo Essays, Thornton Hill Hounds on October 7, 2010
The photo essay is posted at KLM Images.
Clarity vs liveliness
Be aware of your own blinders — hard advice to follow.
I am prejudiced in favor of clarity, so I use fast shutter speeds to see the action. Unfortunately, this results in some dim shots in early morning light. I also have a somewhat deadly tendency to look for those classic static foxhunting shots that I’ve seen so often in the sporting literature. However, just because the scene had to be stopped in order to paint it doesn’t mean I need to do the same thing with a camera.
The more control I get over my camera and ability to make it do what I want it to do, the less I benefit from accident and luck.
My husband, nothing inhibited by my standards, shoved his point-and-shoot camera with slow shutter settings into the hound truck and rattled off some shots more or less blind. Those wagging tails may be blurred and that first hound a bit, um, in your face, but I know which shot I like better.
Look for different approaches to your work — it’s too easy to get into a rut without noticing. Read the rest of this entry »